CFLM Motto

Our Motto comes from Deuteronomy 30:19, “I have set before you life and death, blessings and cursing: Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live”…. Remember to choose Life!

CFLM Vision

The vision of Crossroads For Life Ministries is to recapture the lost by teaching the powerful message of Jesus Christ. To give hope to a hopeless world, by demonstrating through word and deed the love and power of God. To teach the anointed Word of God in a practical manner that whosoever hears it may easily apply it to their lives. Ultimately, experience deliverance from Satan’s devices.

This ministry will seek to give direction through the Word of God in order for people to understand the importance of making decisions in line with the Will of God. Empowering the children of God, to have good success in their life, family, community, and world. Crossroads for Life Ministries is a source of restoration…“Putting people’s lives back on track.”
Our vision is to recapture the lost by teaching the powerful message of Jesus Christ. To give hope to a hopeless world, by demonstrating through word and deed the love and power of God. To teach the anointed Word of God in a practical manner that whosoever hears it may easily apply it to their lives. Ultimately, experience deliverance from Satan’s devices.

This ministry will seek to give direction through the Word of God in order for people to understand the importance of making decisions in line with the Will of God. Empowering the children of God, to have good success in their life, family, community, and world.

Crossroads for Life Ministries is a source of restoration…“Putting people’s lives back on track.”